5 Minute Read. As a seasoned professional in integrated care, I’ve been part of a pioneering generation that sought to blend medical and behavioral health services to improve patient outcomes, particularly with the advent of the Primary Care Behavioral Health service delivery model (PCBH). Reflecting on this journey, it’s clear that while we’ve made significant […]
The #1 Reason Why Integrated Health Care Teams Lose Mental Health Clinicians To Online Therapy Companies
By Neftali Serrano, PsyD, 2 Minute Read In recent years, the struggle to retain and recruit behavioral health providers has intensified within primary care. A closer examination of this trend reveals a significant underlying cause: the selection bias rooted in the mental health provider training process. This bias not only shapes the career preferences of […]
Primary Care’s Moonshot Program For The Next Decade
5 Minute Read There is no single issue in the movement to integrate physical and behavioral health system that trumps the workforce shortage and training problem. Primary care needs a moonshot initiative to bridge that gap. I have some ideas. They are mine alone – I can’t speak for all of the Collaborative Family Healthcare […]
Behaviorists In Family Medicine Deserve An Upgrade
5 Minute Read Family medicine residency programs have long had behaviorists as part of the educational experience for physicians-in-training, but the role has not kept up with the many changes in training and healthcare over the last few decades. And so you have behavioral science faculty with unclear and often conflicting mandates for their work, […]
Filling Integrated Care Positions Challenges Health Clinics
5 Min Read. Filling that integrated care position at your clinic feel tough? You are not alone. Positions for mental health professionals of all types in primary care have grown in the last few years (see our job board and our map) and the options for mental health professionals have also expanded with telehealth uptake, […]
A Hidden And Fixable Reason For Why Your Behavioral Health Staff Might Be Burning Out
There are many good reasons for the strain and experience of burnout among healthcare professionals at-large and primary care teams specifically, but there may be a hidden factor affecting your integrated behavioral health staff that you may not have yet considered: role diffusion. The shorthand version for this phenomenon is, “your staff is trying to […]