Full spectrum primary care services in addition to multiple specialty clinics. Integrated behavioral health services available to all primary care patients.
Contact: Shay Stacer, PhD
1900 Woodland Dr
Coos Bay, Oregon 97420
Primary Location
Types of Services Offered: Primary Care (adult), Primary Care (pediatrics), Specialty Medicine (eg. endocrine clinic), Urgent Care
Total Number of Sites: 5
Number of Sites Offering Integrated Care Services: 1
Type of integrated care or co-located services offered by your organization:
- PCBH (embedded clinician, real-time access): Offered at All Our Sites
- SBIRT (substance abuse brief treatment): Offered at All Our Sites
- Medication Assisted Treatment (opioid): Offered at All Our Sites
Do some or all patients have access to integrated care services?
All patients have access to all integrated care services
All patients have access to all integrated care services
Approx. number of unique patients served annually:
10,001 to 50,000 unique patients
10,001 to 50,000 unique patients
This organization is:
Is this organization accepting new patients? Yes