Malama I Ke Ola’s vision is that every man, woman and child on Maui has access to the highest quality, affordable health care. Our mission is to provide culturally-sensitive, coordinated services emphasizing education, prevention, and advocacy, regardless of one’s ability to pay at the time of visit.
Contact: Joanne Sato
1881 Nani Street
Wailuku, Hawaii 96793
Primary Location
Types of Services Offered: Primary Care (adult), Primary Care (pediatrics), Specialty Medicine (eg. endocrine clinic)
Additional Services: Adult and pediatric dental services, OB/GYN, WIC, insurance enrollment, tobacco cessation services, HIV clinic, adults and pediatric transgender clinic, maternal-fetal medicine program
Total Number of Sites: 3
Number of Sites Offering Integrated Care Services: 3
Type of integrated care or co-located services offered by your organization:
- PCBH (embedded clinician, real-time access): Offered at All Our Sites
- Collaborative Care (care management & consulting psychiatry): Offered at Some of Our Sites
- SBIRT (substance abuse brief treatment): Offered at All Our Sites
- Medication Assisted Treatment (opioid): Offered at All Our Sites
- Specialty Psychotherapy (referral-based therapy): Offered at Some of Our Sites
- Medical Family Therapy (family-based, medically focused therapy): Not Offered
- Specialty addiction counseling (referral-based SA counseling): Offered at All Our Sites
- Bidirectional Integrated Care (eg. wellness services in a CMHC): Not Offered
- Specialty Psychiatry (referral based psychiatry care): Not Offered
- Consulting Psychiatry (psychiatry supporting primary care): Offered at Some of Our Sites
- Telemental health: Offered at All Our Sites
Do some or all patients have access to integrated care services?
All patients have access to all integrated care services
All patients have access to all integrated care services
Approx. number of unique patients served annually:
0 to 10,000 unique patients
0 to 10,000 unique patients
This organization is:
Is this organization accepting new patients? Yes