Lauren and I both love CFHA, and attending the annual conference is one of our favorite things to do each year. We are so excited to welcome you to our city! We believe this conference will be one of the best, between the content highlighting CFHA’s history (due to it being our 20th conference) as well as presentations on interprofessional teams, issues across the lifespan, and opioids/substances use management. We know the conference programming will be engaging, enlightening, and thought-provoking and will help us all improve in our work within integrated care. For those who can’t attend, we hope you will be able to join in some of the action by checking out the mobile app (search for Attendeehub in app store) for content as well as CFHA’s Social Link, Facebook, and Twitter as attendees participate in the conference. You will find there are opportunities for you to experience it from afar as well.
Attending the conference provides the opportunity to add a little good food, drink, new/old friends, and fun into the mix. We wanted to tell you a little bit about our hometown and share some suggestions of things to do and places to eat. Rochester is a city of innovation—home to not only CFHA, but also many innovators within healthcare and other arenas, including social reform, music, science, and business (see sidebar). Accordingly, there are lots of opportunities to experience a piece of history if you are interested. A visit to Susan B. Anthony’s house (, Mt. Hope Cemetery with a guided tour (, or George Eastman’s house ( will help you learn about some of these innovators in a fun, interactive way.
Tours Available CFHA Flights ‘n Bites by Portage Tours on Friday (10/19) at 6:30pm and Saturday (10/20) at 5:30pm ($79 for adult; $59 for non-drinker) (find more information and register at A Variety of Tours by Crush Beer Wine Tours (find more information and register at |
If you’re not into history, but like to enjoy good food, then listen up. Rochester has a wealth of good dining options. You can walk to several excellent restaurants from the hotel. For instance, Dinosaur BBQ is known for its amazing BBQ and cool atmosphere with bikers galore and a view of the Genesee River. We highly recommend the wings! Of course, all 600+ attendees will likely be searching for food at the same time, which may cause some congestion in these restaurants. Therefore, we have set up some easy ways to ensure you don’t have to wait too long. First, consider reserving a spot in a tour (see sidebar), as these allow you to experience Rochester, but also taste a variety of food and drink. Or if you’d rather, we have also set up reservations at some nearby restaurants for Friday night to give people a chance to meet other CFHA attendees and network while grabbing dinner quickly (
Please remember that Rochester is a mid-sized city with relatively low levels of foot traffic. If you choose to walk to a restaurant, remember general good safety rules and always walk with someone else. If you need a ride, we have Uber, Lift, as well as several taxi companies that you will need to call or have the hotel contact – you won’t find taxis driving around to flag down. We have created a list of our favorite restaurants that are worth the trip if you decide you’d rather not walk, so check that out in the conference Mobile App.
There are several other attractions that we recommend you visit if you have time. For instance, The Strong, the national museum of play, is the world’s largest and most comprehensive collection of materials related to play ( It is just as much fun for adults as it is for kids. Or catch a show at Geva, which is within walking distance of the hotel. During our conference, they are showing a romantic comedy about finding love called Fortune (Thu./Fri. at 7pm, Sat. at 7:30pm) as well as Thurgood, a show that follows the 58-year-career of Justice Thurgood Marshall, the first African American on the Supreme Court (Thu. at 7:30pm, Fri./Sat. at 8pm). Check out if you are interested in purchasing tickets. Or catch a film or live music at the Little (, an independent movie theater and café. On Oct. 19th they have musician John Ellison, writer of Some Kind of Wonderful. Or catch a film at the Eastman House (; they have films each night of the conference starting at 7:30pm.
We hope this provides some good options for you as you visit our city and attend the annual conference. For those able to make it, we look forward to seeing you there! Otherwise, consider joining us in Denver in October 2019 for next year’s annual CFHA conference.
Some Examples of Rochester Innovators · Healthcare o George Engel, biopsychosocial model o Susan McDaniel & Tom Campbell o Elizabeth Blackwell, first woman to receive a medical degree in US o Rochester Area Hospital Corporation and Hospital Experimental Payment Plan, innovative healthcare delivery · Social reformers: o Frederick Douglass (abolitionist) o Susan B. Anthony (women’s rights) · Music: o Chuck Mangione (jazz), o Lou Gramm (from the band Foreigner), o Jeff Tzyik (conductor) · Science: o First optics department o Henry Ward (naturalist, geologist) · Business: o George Eastman (inventor, Kodak) o Wegmans (grocery store) |